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Assignment 2: Commercial Case Study

Due Date:

CIDA Standards for this Assignment

● 4a: Students are aware that building technology, materials, and construction vary

according to geographic location.

4b: Student work demonstrates understanding of how social, economic, and cultural

contexts inform interior design.

4c: Student work demonstrates understanding of how environmental responsibility

informs the practice of interior design.

5a: Students have awareness of the nature and value of integrated design practices.

6a: Students have awareness of the contexts for interior design practice.

6b: Students have awareness of the impact of a global market on design practices.

6c: Students have awareness of the breadth and depth of interior design's impact

and value.

9a: Students are able to effectively distill and visually communicate data and


due by Day 7 of Unit 6 no later than 11:30 p.m. ET

worth 25% of term mark. (Please refer to the Marking Rubric at the end of these


● 9b: Students are able to effectively express ideas in oral communication.

● 9c: Students are able to effectively express ideas in written communication.

9d: Students are able to effectively express ideas developed in the design process

through visual media: ideation drawings and sketches.

13a: Students are aware of the influence of furnishings, objects, materials, and

finishes on human wellbeing.

● 14a: Students are aware that design decisions relating to acoustics, thermal comfort,

and indoor air quality have an environmental impact.

● 15a: Students have awareness of the environmental impact of construction.

● 16b: Student work demonstrates understanding of laws, codes, and standards that

impact health, wellness, security, and fire and life safety, including sustainable

environment guidelines.


This assignment draws from all course material covered in Units 1 through 4. Students

will explore the sustainability and materiality relating to a chosen commercial space.

Students will critically analyze interior space by existing reviewing products and

materials relating to public and private spaces as well as sustainable aspects

incorporated within design features. For this assignment, students will create a floor plan of the commercial space chosen to

examine (site measure to construct as-built drawings) and document the existing P&M

(product and material) for specific rooms/zones.


● to recognize product and materials used within a commercial space

to determine the sustainable initiatives within a commercial environment

to advance the student's competence with analyzing space

To apply hierarchical ordering principles to organize information Create

presentations using the.

Layout text and images for ease of accessibility and understanding

Self-assess content and layout design through a reflective rationale exercise that

evaluates what they learned

APA citation standards for intellectual and visual information sources.



Before you begin the assignment proper, you must select and define the space you will


1. Review all lectures and materials to date to identify and assess any applicable

products that may be found within a commercial setting.

2. Choose a commercial space to review, document and assess for products and

materials, as well as sustainable and unsustainable features.

3. Your choice for commercial spaces can include:

Office spaces (limit to under 3000 square feet)

O Schools (choose a combination of classroom, office, reception and washrooms)

O Small Clinics (chiropractors, dentists, other clinic environments)

Salons (hair, aesthetics etc.)

Retail (can be within a mall or a private space)



4. Conduct a complete site review including a site measure, photographs and drafting

of existing space. Review and measure is to include the following spaces*:

O Waiting/Entrance

O Reception or greeting area

O Public space such as a boardroom, dining area, merchandise area etc.

O Private space such as an office, staff area or back room

O One washroom (preferably a barrier free or universal style)

*If you choose a large space, you can measure a portion of the space as long as

you can encompass all of the above within the area you select.

5. Document your findings of your chosen commercial space with digital photographs

of all spaces above. Once you have selected an carefully defined your commercial space, moOve on to the

two main parts of the assignment itself.


6. Review interior features that appropriately illustrate sustainable or unsustainable

features of the building such as:

O window treatments

O interior lighting including overall light and task lighting

O plumbing fixtures (discuss motion sensors, universal design features)


natural light and window locations (private or open space)


insulated or non-insulated walls



product and materials selections

business practices such as recycling

7. Write a (150-300 words) description of the commercial space discussing and

analyzing the sustainable and unsustainable features of the commercial space.

Make recommendations on what modifications might be made to improve the

performance of the space.


8. Review interior features related to the use of products and materials within a

commercial environment including:

O Wall finishes

O Flooring finishes



Ceiling treatments

Cabinetry (including cabinets and counter materials)

Washroom finishes (walls, floors, cabinets, ceilings)

Furniture types and materials

9. Write a description (300-500 words) of the products and materials used within your

chosen commercial space. Analyze the products within each space considering:

O private and public zoning

appropriateness of material

O durability

O maintenance

10. Provide a final review discussing recommendations for alternate materials.


11. Submit the following in a single PDF file:

O Introduction

O Existing floor plan of chosen commercial space, a neatly drafted sketch.


Documented list of Product/Materials of rooms within space Photographic documentation of each space

Written description of the commercial space

O Written and visual descriptions of sustainable and non-sustainable features

including recommendations

Written and visual descriptions of the products and materials utilized within the

space including recommendations.


12. Submit your PDF file as: DIDE351_Assignment2_yourlastname_yourfirstname.pdf.





Assignment 2 will be graded in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the

criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.


Format and Organization

Grammar and Spelling

Cohesive and logical flow of content

Professionally formatted

Followed APA Guidelines

Evidence of Research

Demonstration of range, relevance and comprehensive criteria

Exploration of sustainable/non-sustainable features within commercial space

Exploration of materials and products applicable to a commercial space

Photographic Documentation demonstrates a good measure of study

Documentation of P&M


Review and logical justification of products and materials within a commercial

Thorough review of sustainable features and recommendations

Cohesive and logical flow of content







