1. (You can use other websites for this question, but you should not cut and paste
text. Please write answers in your own words!) One of the candidates who used
to coach a former president now wants to beat him in the election. This candidate
is known for thinking out of the box. While his campaign has been running their
services on AWS EC2 instances, they recently became aware of serverless cloud
services. Can you help them? (Please limit your answer for each part to less than
50 words. Be concise!)
a. What is the key difference between AWS Lambda and AWS EC2?
b. What are the two key differences between AWS Lambda and AWS spot
instances (think: pricing and how long instances last)?
c. What are the names of the corresponding Microsoft Azure and Google
Cloud counterparts (names) of Amazon Lambda?
d. Give one example application (class) where you would prefer AWS EC2,
and one where you would prefer AWS Lambda. Justify your choices
Fig: 1