an industrial facility. This addition includes a wood planer mill machine and the surrounding metal building. *The wood planer machine is highly sensitive to settlement and will induce significant compressive and lateral loads on the base when it is operating. Therefore, deep foundations will be used. *The surrounding metal building will be light, with small magnitude compressive loads. Lateral and uplift loads due to wind are minimized by surrounding existing buildings. Spread footings will be used for the foundation of this structure. *A few spot elevations are shown on the map below. The site will be uniformly graded to an elevation of 150 feet. *The conditions are reasonably consistent across this facility *The upper 20 to 30 feet are expected to be moderately dense clayey sands. *A layer of very dense sand and gravel has been encountered at a depth of about 40 to 50 feet at the site, and this layer is typically about 15 feet thick. The deep foundations proposed for the site will likely end in this zone.*The groundwater is typically encountered within the sand and gravel zone at a depth of 45 feet or greater. Indicate on the site layout the locations where you would recommend that borings be performed. What factors did you consider in your selection of the boring locations? For each of the selected boring locations, indicate the minimum depth to which each boring should extend.How did you determine the depth of each boring?
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6