bottom surfaces are thermally insulated. Inlet temperatures of the hot air and cold air are 320 and 20 °C, respectively. The heat exchanger can be regarded as a steady flow system under constant pressure without heat loss. All the design parameters are described in Fig. 1. For simplicity, physical properties shown in Table 1 can be used for both hot and cold air flows. Answer the following questions. Pitch 0.003 m (including wall thickness) Cold air inlet temp. = 20 °C Hot air inlet temp. = 320 °C Mass flow 0.1 rate temperature temperature [kg/s] [°C] [°C] 20 Air (Same properties can be used for both hot and cold sides) Cold air Hot air Air inlet inlet density 320 Fig. 1. Co-current (parallel) flow air-air heat exchanger. 0.3 m Air viscosity 0.3 m Table 1. Flow conditions and physical properties. Pa H₂ [kg/m³] [Pa's] 0.7960 2.465x10-5 Wall thickness 1=0.0005 m 0.3 m 0.03583 Air thermal Air conductivity specific A₂ heat [W/(m*K)] Cpa [J/kgK] 1020.0 Wall (SUS304) Wall thickness t [m] 0.0005 Thermal conductivity Aw [W/(m*K)] 18.7/nFill in the blanks in Table 2. Nusselt number of fully developed channel flow can be assumed: (1) Nu = hd = 8.23, 1₂ where di is the hydraulic diameter. The heat exchanger effectiveness of co-current (parallel) flow is given as: Heat transfer area of each air flow side A [m²] E= Hydraulic diameter du [m] 1-exp[-(1+R) NTU]. 1+ R Table 2. Heat exchanger parameters. Heat transfer Overall heat transfer coefficient K [W/(m²*K)] coefficient h [W/(m²*K)] Heat capacity ratio R Number of transfer units NTU (2) Heat exchanger effectiveness E Exchanged heat Q[W]
Fig: 1
Fig: 2