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1. Identify processes, a model, or models, and perspectives that represent your personal views regarding integrating psychology and Christianity (or your personal belief system), using resources and strategies learned from the course and personal research. You may want to refer to models described in the text and models described in the week 1 video, in addition to your personal research. 2. In your analysis address the following prompts: • Which framework or model(s) would you put into practice in order to integrate psychology and Christianity (or your personal belief system)? • Provide a rationale and support for your choice. 。 Cite at least 3 scholarly/authoritative sources. Textbook can be included as one source. • Which scripture(s) supports your identified process? Activit Assi Cho Fee 目 Foru Lear Reso ? 3. Submit your assignment by following the instructions below before the deadline./nInstructions Citation Requirements: minimum of 3 scholarly/authoritative sources (in addition to the Bible) • Word Count: 750-1000 ⚫ APA Formatting

Fig: 1

Fig: 2