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1. Please give the best possible answer based on our discussions in class. a. A system that can not exchange mass or energy with the surroundings is called a(n)____system. b. Please consider a pure substance that is behaving as an Ideal Gas at 500 Kand 85 kPa. Please find the fugacity, fi, of this substance in kPa. \text { c. Please use a sentence or two to explain the difference between } \phi_{i} \text { and } \phi_{i} \text {. } d. The photograph to the right shows Babe Ruthpointing to the place in center field where, a few minutes later, he would hit a home run. In a single sentence, please state the important point that Dr.Tree was trying to make with this photograph.

The Frenchman depicted to the right: never derived the equation below y_{i} P=x_{i} P_{i}^{s a t} Nevertheless, the equation is named after him in honor of his work with solutions, plant and animal respiration, cryptomicroscopy, and galvanic cells. His name (first and last) was

As a young professor, the German depicted to the right read a copy of Clapeyron's memoir that had been translated into German by Johann Poggendorff. He built on this work to establish a new state variable that we call "entropy." His name(first and last) was

The Frenchman (depicted to the right) made a study of heat engines that was published in French in 1824 under the translated title of "The Motive Power of Fire." He made the study of heat engines an abstract, quantitative science. His work with heat engines laid the foundation for the Science of Thermodynamics. Please give the four letter first name by which he was commonly known AND his family name:

h. The German depicted to the right published a review article in 1847 in that is the definitive case for the existence and conservation of energy. He went on to make fundamental contributions of his own in thermodynamics, optics, and medicine. The expression A = U-TS100 is named in his honor. His name (first and last)

The American depicted to the right demonstrating that the ideas that had been developed to describe heat engines could be recast to describe the properties of fluids, phase equilibrium, and chemical reaction equilibrium. The expression G=H-T S was named in his honor. His name (middle and last, first name optional)

j. The American depicted to the right developed the concept to covalent bonding and was the first to isolate and characterize heavy water. He was one of the few people to understand Gibbs and to make important extensions of Gibbs' work. He developed the concept of "fugacity" in order to model chemical reaction equilibrium and vapor/liquid equilibrium. His full name was

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