as, global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors considering ethical and professional responsibilities. What are the constraints/limitations that you should consider when designing your solution? Even though some of the constraints are listed in the project description, students should consider at least 2 other types of potential constraints. (Ex: economic, environmental, functional, legal, etc...) 3. Standards and codes (10%) What standards are you following during the design?/nDELIVERABLES: We need to do Deliverables 2 ONLY, by following all the mentioned instructions in the assignment file. Template for D2 is also attached. In the Template file for D2, we Need to do only 3 parts from the 6 mentioned. PARTS WE NEED TO DO FOR D2 ARE: 1) Problem definition statement. 2) Design Constraints. 3) Standards and Codes. SEE THE FIRST FILE ATTACHED AS WELL (parts we need to do). Solutions for D1 are attached in reference section. Sample for D2 is in the reference sections as well. Sample questions are there in the reference sections as well.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2