Using the sources, you gathered in assignments three
and four, write a paper that argues in
favor of ONE solution to the problem that you are
researching. You may use the topic proposal that you
wrote for assignment four as the basis for your
introductory section. Your paper should include the
following content:
1. Introduction
2. Background context of your problem (20% of
body) - Be specific and concrete. What is the
problem? Why is that a problem? Explain in detail.
3. Discussion of possible solutions (30-40% of
body) - at least two solutions. These must be
plausible solutions using evidence to support
them. Refute each solution that you aren't arguing/n4. Argument for one specific solution (40-50% of
body) - Give a convincing argument that is based
on valid evidence and research. After describing
the solution, in either the same or separate
paragraph, explain what exactly are the specific
procedures/steps/components in implementing the
solution in order to solve the problem. Next,
determine how the success of the solution will be
measured. Finally, why is the solution that you
chose the best out of all the possible solutions?
What makes it the most viable and effective
solution to the problem that you described?
Explain in detail.
5. Conclusion
Remember that this is a research paper and that
everything you write here must be based on credible,
reliable sources that you have found from your research.
You will certainly express your opinion on the topic, but
your opinion must be supported by research.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2