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1. The best way to overcome shyness is by restraining your personality. 2. Admil (generic brand) pain reliver hits a higher level of pain relief. 3. The word education comes from "educe" which means to bring out.When we educate someone, we should be trying to bring out the information that he already knows. 4. Pursuant to our agreement and attached hereto is the codicil. (Acodicil is an amendment to a will.) 5. Have your stomach pains been accompanied by increased flatulence? 6. Why should I have to learn about analyzing arguments to determine if they are clear? Aren't there too many arguments in the world already? 7. It is not true that the President did not oppose a ban on the sale ofguns. 8. Sprite is it! 9. All patriotic Europeans will agree. I don't know which of them is worse. The only days that are real holidays are those that are of religious importance because the word "holiday" was derived from thewords "holy day."11. This ground beef is 85% fat free. This ground beef is 15% pure fat.

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