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1. What is your topic?

a) the community you're writing about

b) the problem or issue you plan to research and write about.

c) the solution(s) you plan to research and write about.

2. Who is your audience for your essay?

Your audience should be a person or group of people you think can help solve the problem.

3. Why should the audience you've chosen care about this issue?

Think about the information your audience has and what they don't know. How would you convince them the

issue should be important to them too?

4. **Write a complete thesis statement **following the practices you learned about in sessions 19 and 20,

remember your goal is to argue that:/n4. **Write a complete thesis statement **following the practices you learned about in sessions 19 and 20,

remember your goal is to argue that:

[Your problem] is a major issue in/for [your community] because.


but can potentially be solved by

Fig: 1

Fig: 2