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1.27 WP Gage pressure indicates the difference between the absolute pressure of a system and the absolute pressure of the atmosphere existing outside the measuring device.-----1.28 WP Systems can be

studied only from a macroscopic point of view.----------1.29 WP Kilogram, second, foot, and newton are all examples of SI units.------------1.30Temperature is an extensive property.-----------1.31 WP Mass is an intensive property.----------1.32WP The value of the temperature expressed using the Celsius temperature scale is always higher than its value expressed using the Kelvin scale.------------1.33Intensive properties may be functions of both position and time, whereas extensive properties can vary only with time.------------1.34WP Devices that measure pressure include barometers, Bourdon tube gauges, and manometers.----------1.35Both the Kelvin scale and the Rankine scale are absolute temperature scales.----------1.36 WP If a system is isolated from its surroundings and no changes occur in its observable properties, the system was in equilibrium at the moment it was isolated.----------------1.37The specific volume is the reciprocal of the density.-------------------------1.38 WP Volume is an extensive property.--------------------------1.39 WP The pound force, lbf, is equal to the pound mass, lb.---------------------1.40The value of a temperature expressed using the Rankine scale is always higher than its value expressed using the Fahrenheit temperature scale.------------------------1.41WP Pressure is an intensive property.------------------1.42A closed system always contains the same matter; there is no transfer of matter across its boundary.----------------------------1.43WP One nanosecond equals 1o9 seconds.----------------------1.44 We A control volume is a special type of closed system that does not interact in any way with its surroundings.---------------------1.45 WP When a closed system undergoes a process between two specified states, the change in temperature between the end states is independent of details of the process. 1N equals 1 kg m/s2 but 1 lbf does not equal 1 lb ft/s?-------------1.48 P A vessel holding o.5 kg of oxygen (0,) contains 16 lb of O2--------.1.47----------------1.49Specific volume, the volume per unit of mass, is an intensive property whereas volume and mass are extensive properties.---------------1.50 WP In local surroundings at standard atmospheric pressure, a gage will indicate a pressure of o.2 atm for a refrigerant whose absolute pressure is 1.2 atm.-----------------1.51The kilogram for mass and the meter for length are examples of SI base units defined relative to fabricated objects.-----------------1.52 W The Rankine degree is a smaller temperature unit than the Kelvin degree.---------------1.53WP If the value of any property of a system changes with time, that system cannot be at steady state-------------.1.54According to Archimedes" principle, the magnitude of the buoyant force acting on a submerged body is equal to the weight of the body.------------------1.55 WP The composition of a closed system cannot change.--------------1.56 WP Temperature is the property that is the same for each of two systems when they are in thermal equilibrium. The volume of a closed system can change.WP1.57-----------1.58 WP The pressure unit psia indicates an absolute pressure expressed in pounds force per square inch.

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