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1State what is meant by the binding energy of a nucleus. A possible fission of U-235 can be represented by: { }_{92}^{235} \mathrm{U}+\mathrm{n} \rightarrow{ }_{55}^{136} \mathrm{Cs}+{ }_{37}^{97} \mathrm{Rb}+3 \mathrm{n}

Calculate, in J, the energy released in this reaction. The average energy released by the fission of a U-235 nucleus in a reactor core is 3,2 x 10-11 J. The fission of U-235 generates a power of 1.5 GW in the core. Calculate the average mass of U-235 that undergoes fission in one second in this reactor core. molar mass of U-235 = 235 g The thermal neutrons in the core can be modelled as the particles of an ideal gas.The effective temperature of this gas is 850 K. Calculate Crms for the thermal neutrons for this model. 5 Explain the role of control rods in ensuring a constant power output in a nuclear reactor core.

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