of which is divided into a training set cdiacser_main.csw, dasset Each o file has sme rse for sauch chaa poins and ase ookum flor sach featune; scps the last colacam countles the cla Now that for a means classifier, the raining or leaming phase consists only of comparing the class man and the classification of each daa pois can be done by Sading Tilpet: = For (loning, pletLiscopy or placoction burlps yoலைய plot the data pois, decision boundary and regions. (Or you may write your The PlotTecRosndatien derucriptions belone ane or te poucible lince revisionthe Problem 2 rurces are postand The Potendin Plodocundaries py requires there argumentas, L. Tining data pois of all classes (of shape main) IL: Categondug Tain labels (af dupe [n_mi II.ClosantotheiP clao) The Ploed function in MATLAB L. Tining dat pes of all classes (of size jo_wa_f IL Componding Traini ii. Cls a hs a good conding pesaction, anded that your cude sdhonkd be the l of thei" class) clind st qfi frm Nay or MATLAR. The number of res true the mucatibet of clean the core fle (aucabeature tuber of coolartue. Thiet hill alfsun ute the ame cole words y ace to Pyrl is podalily hute slop jusu 2 (or ā) classes dectised ne less than the (4) Learning (training) and classification. Use analized das as supplied in the dates For sach later (1, 2, and 3), do the folurning. ( இளம் பாப்os for the diflonnan claste- Clansty all data polants in the alnaling soet and in the ser uret using the classma corpund Conupunend commect on to snahe bure compar? Try to explain why. Report the classification ever came on the training oot and sepanely on the text set Chantication = (Number of po / aer of policee ( (c) Prepring normation. Standardize the data for that each facross both class coonbioed, han cle ma and cae vatlanct For sach cdacsor, cocpuce the somling quoanates toom te alaking daea and then use those pourameeeer values 150 rcontaodiue the naining o sn ae dhao The wout ke the (omndandanc) fiyoiluedoaec Far this pour ause the fulonvi fruore Brposar plan (), சகாசம் on the ctedondiond data (4) Compare and on the results of past (a) o those of part(): how do the entrate on mamtind (sandandianc) anansach lo Try o cdacant_min.cev;dfamrant_wn.c8k;/ cdas_micsvda cdaw_mincew,da_e which have 3 clasors (the fant clasafeticl.aetels cdossed.2; 3).
Fig: 1