is an Open Social Systems approach to organizations that seems to work very well here. One concerns oneself with the "lack of fit" between any of three elements of the company: Organization, People and Task. Organization can be seen in two contexts: Structure and Processes/Systems. Structure is the physical organization of the company (ie: types and number of employment positions). Processes/Systems are the procedures and policies a company used to control its workforce. People are viewed as individuals and as groups. Task is what and how work is done. For example, as the commoditization of the PC occurred in the 1990's, IBM recognized that the company's main tasks had changed. IBM could no longer compete effectively for the consumer computer market. Hence the entrance of IBM into the IT services market. Internally, there was a "lack of fit" between the people, those who worked making and selling PCs, and the task, providing information services. Knowing this allowed IBM to address issues such as retraining, recruiting, job analysis, etc. Simply addressing a workforce that was unable to do the job, "the decision", would have been only effective in the very short term.
Fig: 1