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6) a) From Munson problem 7.15. This phenomenon is known as flutter and can damage structures. After determining the pi terms for this problem, you wish test a prototype sign by creating a 1/2 scale model of the prototype and test it under water in a flume. The prototype parameters are hp = 1 m, bp = 0.5 m, yp = 12 N/m³, vp = 15 m/s, kp = 100 N-m, op is unknown.The 1/2 scale model has hm = 0.5 and bm = 0.25 m to satisfy geometric similarity. The material used in the model is less stiff, km = 10 N-m. =b) Determine the water velocity in the flume to maintain similitude. Assume ywater = Ym10000 N/m³. c) When the experiment is run at the velocity found in part b), the model sign oscillates at a frequency com = 0.12 s-1. Calculate the expected oscillation of the real sign in air, op.

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