is on each square. The input to the system is a set of images in jpeg format. The output is a sequence of labels representing the pieces, e.g. 'k' = King, 'q' = Queen, etc. You are given labelled data sets for training and evaluation, and some template code to help you get started. 2 Backaround/nSubmission will be via Blackboard. You must submit the following. A copy of your • A copy of your data file, model.clean.json.gz • A copy of your data file, model.noisy.json.gz • A form (which will appear on Blackboard) in which you will: ▪ report the performance of your system on the development set; ■ explain/justify the design of your feature selection; explain/justify the design of the square classifier; ■ explain/justify the design of any extra steps performed for full-board classification.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2