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9:44 Assignment Details INTRO TO STATS FOR ENGINEERS (ST_314_001_W2024) packages using the library() function. Once you have the present dataset loaded, answer the following questions. Question 1 (1 point) What

years are included in the present dataset? Question 2 (1 point) What are the dimensions of the data frame? Dimensions refers to the number of rows and variables. Question 3 (1 point) What are the variable (column) names? Question 4 (1 point) Make a plot that displays the proportion (not the ratio) of boys born over time. What do you see? Does Arbuthnot's observation about boys being born in greater proportion than ◄ Previous Launch External Tool 544 000 Dashboard Calendar 7 To Do Notifications Next ► Inbox 9:44 Assignment Details INTRO TO STATS FOR ENGINEERS (ST_314_001_W2024) TEATTC. סדסחסחסחחחחם and variables. Question 3 Question 5 (1 point) What are the variable (column) names? Question 4 (1 point) Make a plot that displays the proportion (not the ratio) of boys born over time. What do you see? Does Arbuthnot's observation about boys being born in greater proportion than girls hold up in the U.S.? Include the plot in your response. To copy or save a graph from RStudio, click the Export button just above the preview of the graph. From there you can choose to Save Image or Copy to Clipboard. ◄ Previous пит (1 point) In what year did we see the most total number of births in the U.S.? 000 544 Hint: First calculate the totals and save it as a new variable Then sort your dataset in descending Launch External Tool Dashboard Calendar 7 VJ To Do Notifications Next ► Inbox 9:44 Assignment Details INTRO TO STATS FOR ENGINEERS (ST_314_001_W2024) Image or Copy to Clipboard. Question 5 (1 point) In what year did we see the most total number of births in the U.S.? Hint: First calculate the totals and save it as a new variable. Then, sort your dataset in descending order based on the total column. You can do this interactively in the data viewer by clicking on the arrows next to the variable names. To include the sorted result in your report you will need to use two new functions. First we use arrange() to sorting the variable. Then we can arrange the data in a descending order with another function, desc(), for descending order. The sample code is provided below. present %>% arrange (desc(total)) Part 2: Summarizing Data Launch External Tool ◄ Previous 000 Dashboard Calendar 544 7 To Do Notifications Next ► Inbox 9:44 Assignment Details INTRO TO STATS FOR ENGINEERS (ST_314_001_W2024) Loans Calaset. Question 6 (2 points) Construct a histogram of the total credit limit data. Include informative labels and a title. Include your histogram and the code used to construct the histogram in your submission. Question 7 (2 points) Construct a boxplot of the total credit limit data. Include informative labels and a title. Include your boxplot and the code used to construct the boxplot in your submission. Question 8 (2 points) Using histogram and/or boxplot constructed in the previous two questions, describe the shape of the distribution of the total credit limit variable and comment on whether there are any outliers present in the dataset. Question 9 ◄ Previous Launch External Tool 000 544 Dashboard Calendar 7 To Do Notifications Next ► Inbox 9:44 Assignment Details INTRO TO STATS FOR ENGINEERS (ST_314_001_W2024) Question 9 (1 point) Calculate the mean of the total credit limit data. Include your code used to calculate the mean. Question 10 (1 point) Calculate the median of the total credit limit data. Include your code used to calculate the median. Question 11 (1 point) Calculate the standard deviation of the total credit limit data. Include your code used to calculate the standard deviation. Question 12 (1 point) Calculate the interquartile range (IQR) of the total credit limit data. Include your code used to calculate the IQR. ◄ Previous Launch External Tool 554 000 Dashboard Calendar 7 To Do Notifications Next ► Inbox