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a. A medium-rise multistorey building is to be positioned parallel offset to the boundaries of a Lot (say 50m x 25m) and grid lines established along selected building columns inside

the building line, see diagram below. The SW corner of the building is to be positioned 1.0m north and 7.5m east of the SW corner of the Lot (the boundary lines are aligned to north and east). The external dimensions of the building are30.3 m long and 16.3 wide. The building columns are 0.30m square and the external face of the columns abuts the face of the building line. The building column separation (centre column to centre column)are 15m in length and 7.5m in width. An arbitrary plane co-ordinate system is to be established from the SW corner of the Lot (500 East,700 North) and the grid set-out and labelled as alpha character snorth/south and numeric characters east/west i.e. A1, A2 etc. The grid corners are to be set-out 0.800m (both east/west and north/south)from the centre of the building columns as indicated per the diagram. i) Calculate the co-ordinates for all grid points. ii) List checks you would apply to confirm: calculation of the grid corners; the positioning of the building; and the shape of the building. You are required to place six sight hole/penetrations, mark the(iii)positions with respect to the grid and/or columns on a sketch/diagram. b. You have been requested to undertake a ground and feature model survey for a road construction project along an existing road reserve(40m wide). The survey commences at chain age 6,600 mark and is to end at chain age 8,500 mark. The proposed route contains a 200mlength of curve from 7,600 to 7,800 and includes a creek requiring a subsequent bridge site at the 7,400 mark. List the chainages where you would be required to place permanent survey marks or benchmarks to meet typical road authority guidelines (as per the study guide). A maximum of eleven benchmarks is allowed, full marks are achieved for the optimum number of benchmarks.(25 marks)Question 3(b) marking scheme: List: 100%, 10% deductions each incorrect number from optimum number and benchmark chainage. c. A rural storm water channel requires a culvert design (only one RCP configuration is to be calculated, DO NOT CALCULATE RCB C configurations). The channel is approximately 7m wide and needs multiple pipes, you have a wide range of RCP's on hand. (100 marks) The following design data has been provided: Design Discharge Q 50= 9.0 m³/s. Allowable outlet velocity = 4 m/sec.: Flood level61.1m 60 m Invert level of channel at outlet Slope of culvert = 0.010 m/m Allowable headwater depth= 2.0 m Length = 25 m 0.5

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