me, they have underwear that I find very comfortable. The quality is great but the prices to buy them t regular price is very expensive. What Victoria secret does very well is offering promotions all the time. You can wait to buy the items you like and or need until one of these promotion sales come out and then stock up. One of their most popular promotions is when you can buy 7 pairs of panties for $35. This makes the price almost half of what the regular sale price is for this item. I feel like the only disadvantage to Victoria Secret is that people know they can wait until a sale before buying the items./nQuantity: At a minimum, post one original 125 word post responding to the main discussion question and two peer response posts of 125 words each for a total of three posts each week (each post must occur on a different day). (3 posts minimum and 3 days of posting minimum.) Quality: To receive full potential points you must contribute substantive comments that add to the discussions in a thought-provoking way. Explain why you agree or disagree, include details from your professional life and observations, and/or include ideas from the textbook and additional research. Quality posts are ones that are relatively error free, add value, may add new ideas, and explain connections to readings, etc.
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