and the borehole logs are attached. Design a shallow foundation system for each of the two sites and prepare an engineering report for your design under the following guidelines: 1. Introduction: define and describe the project 2. Use the subsurface conditions to find the soil profiles. a. For the dry sand layer, find the friction angle and the relative density with depth for each soil layer. CE 451 Project b. For the clayey sand layer, find the undrained shear strength for each layer. Knowing that a consolidation were tests conducted on this soil indicate that the soil is over consolidated with an initial void ratio of 0.9, compression index of 0.08, and recompression index of 0.015. You can use this table to find the soil unit weight. Table 1: Penetration Resistance and Soil Properties on the Basis of SPT (Cohesive Soil: rather unreliable) (Peck et. al. 1974; Bowles, 1977; BNBC 2015 Table 6.D.7) N value 0 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 8 8 to 16 Consistency Unit weight [kN/m³] Very soft <15.7 3. Calculate the loads. a. Column loads b. Wind load 4. Design the foundation. Soft 15.7 to 18.8 Medium 17.3 to 19.6 5. Discussion and recommendation Stiff 18.1 to 20.4 a. Choose a foundation depth. b. Calculated allowable soil bearing capacity for a factor of safety > 3. c. Check the settlement. d. Recommended foundation size (isolated footing) 16 to 32 Very stiff 18.8 to 22.0 a. Discuss the results and findings on each site. b. Include schematics of the foundation designs with clear dimensions. >32 Hard >20.4 Submission: 1. Report 1: Identify the tasks that you have to do during the project to design the foundations and distribute the tasks among the group members. 2. Report 2: From the soil logs provided build up the soil profile for the site and evaluate the soil parameters. Calculate the loads. 3. Report 3: Suggest the foundation level. and provide the foundation design. 4. Final Report: Please note that the final report should include in addition to the previous tasks that you have submitted the footing plan. 5. Oral presentation. Marks distribution of the project: 1. Evaluation soil parameters 2. Design analysis 3. Report content 4. Report layout, figures, format 5. Presentation 15% 40% 10% 10% 25%