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A creek flows above the ground surface until it gets to an aquifer when it infiltrates and begins to flow underground.

The outlet structure for the chambers is L2 mlong, W₂ m wide and A m tall. The aquiferupstream of the outlet is L₁ m long, W₁ m wideand has a variable depth of water in it given byh. The aquifer is managed such that h is alwaysgreater than H.The flow per cross-sectionalarea through the outlet structure (qout) isdirectly proportional to the difference in thedepth of water between the aquifer and theoutlet structure (h-H) and inverselyproportional to the length of the outletstructure. Call the total flow leaving the outletstructure Qout. A. Write an expression for Qout. Introduce a constant of proportionality (whose dimensions you are free to specify) to ensure the consistency of your dimensions. B. Neglect rainfall and evaporation from the aquifer and assume L₁ >> L2 and W₁ >>W2. Write a water balance for the aquiferin terms of the rate of change of h. Check the units in your final expression. Follow the step by step guide for a water balance laid out in class. C. If Qin is equal to zero, sketch a plot of thestorage over time in the aquifer, assumingit started with a depth of h=10H.

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