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A mixture containing 150 mol s-1 of n-hexane (20%-mol), n-heptane (39%-mol) andtoluene (41%-mol) is transported into a flash vessel (F.) where the pressure is re-duced to 1.37 bar (Fig. 1).

Determine: (a) Boiling temperature of all components of the mixture at the flash vessel condi-tions;[3 marks] (b) Bubble temperature and composition at 1.37 bar; (c) Dew temperature and composition at 1.37 bar; (d) Molar flow rate and compositions of liquid and vapour streams (V1, L1, y; and x;).Temperature of the process is the arithmetic average of bubble and dew tempera-tures. In case, you did not manage to solve (b) and (c) above, assume flash tem-perature of 107°C.[9 marks] Given: \log _{10} P^{\text {sat }}=A-\frac{B}{T_{\perp} C} where P is in mm-Hg and T is in °C, with

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8

Fig: 9

Fig: 10