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A report of 1100 words. There is a 10% leeway on word count, and please put your word count on the front page of the report. Background information In the United

Kingdom (UK) the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) advises the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) as well as other government organisations as per the following terms of reference (taken from the web site). SACNS Terms of reference SACN's advice covers the scientific aspects of nutrition and health with specific reference to: • nutrient intakes and nutritional status of the population • nutrient content of individual foods and advice on individual nutrients and diet as a whole, including the definition of a balanced diet • monitoring and surveillance of the above aspects • nutritional issues which affect wider public health policy issues including conditions where nutritional status is one of a number of risk factors (such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, oral health, osteoporosis, and obesity)/n• research requirements for the above. As part of SACNS (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition) remit, every two years they review items of interest and keep a "watching brief" on certain subjects related to nutrition, lifespan, health, and disease. The following items are on the current (2022) watching brief plant-based diets protein omega-3 fatty acids • non-nutritive sweeteners calcium folic acid magnesium • iron bioavailability/nYour assessment is to produce a report (word count excludes reference list) that synthesizes, critiques, and makes recommendations based on the latest research for one of the above watching brief items. Your aim is to tell the committee whether further action is needed on that specific subject. Please refer to the above SACN terms of reference for completion of this. The assessment criteria for reports will be used for marking and is available on Moodle. Do: Read the marking criteria in full before starting your report. Consider lifespan stage/stages. Consider the impact of the subject chosen on both health and disease. Use a range of research literature. Use tables and figures Stay within the word count Make recommendations to SACN based on your findings./nStay with in the word count Make recommendations to SACN based on your findings. Module learning outcomes Examine the contribution of nutrition and lifestyle to each stage of the human lifespan from fertility to old age. Explain relationships between nutrition, lifestyle, and disease and how nutrition professionals can support populations in preventing, delaying, or treating pathologies. • Summarise the major concepts and principles of nutritional epidemiology. • Critically interpret epidemiological data in relation to nutrition and health and be able to construct balanced, evidence-based arguments around the subject.

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