b. Please consider a glass of water (T = 298 °K) that was set on a bench top long enough for the water to reach VLE (Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium) with the constituents of the air. Please use Henry's Law to determine the equilibrium-concentration of Nitrogen (expressed a mole fraction) in the water at P = 1bar. You may assume that air is 80 a/o N2. Henry's Law constant for the two major constituents of air are given below: \mathscr{H}\left(N_{2}\right)=87,650 \text { bar } \mathfrak{H}\left(O_{2}\right)=44,380 \text { bar } c. Please use Summability to show that, h, the Molar Enthalpy of the mixture can be modeled as function of the Partial Molar Enthalpy with respect to Species 1 and species d. Please show that the Molar Enthalpy, h, is a function of Molar Enthalpy of each-species at the P and T of the system. Please be certain to state any assumption(s)or theorems that were used. e. Please determine the heat duty in (kJ/mole of mixture) when 3 mole of Species 1was isothermally mixed with 2 mole of Species 2 at 300 °K.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7
Fig: 8