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Ironically, your learning in Global Health this semester has been disrupted by the COVID-19pandemic. This assignment is designed to carve out some time to allow you to reflect on this

reality. As you are completing this assignment, you are free to share as much or as little as you would like. Your grade will NOT be affected by what you disclose or do not disclose.Burnout is a common experience for workers in caring professions, including heath care professionals, teachers, and clergy. Research shows that resilience and psychological growth can help reduce the risk of burnout (Howard & Johnson, 2004, Taku, 2014)Resilience is defined as the ability to adapt coping strategies to minimize distress (Mallak, 1998)and includes both external activities (e.g. developing problem-solving skills, engaging in work,prayer, physical exercise, play, or art) and internal ways of thinking to reduce the impact of traumatic experiences, particularly by cultivating hope (Rushton, Batcheller, Schroeder,Donohue, 2015). a. What have been your biggest challenges this semester?

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