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After reading the article, "Does Trying to be Happy Make Us Unhappy?" by Adam Grant, write a 1-2 page critical analysis essay about the article and upload your .doc or .docx

assignment using this assignment page. Be sure to use MLA formatting for the paper layout and citations. This is a preliminary writing exercise so I can see how much you know about writing critical responses and essays and MLA formatting. Just do the best you can, but don't stress about this assignment or getting it perfect. Just read the article, analyze the article, and then write about the author and writing. Use the canvas guides if you need assistance on how to upload assignments into Canvas. Additional Thoughts A critical analysis has two missions: to summarize a source's main idea and to respond to the source's main ideas, evidences, effectiveness (word choice, tone, audience, other stylistic choices/devices, etc.) with reactions based on your synthesis. Critical analysis are not "I agree and/or I disagree" responses. You will want to find something critical to point out about what the author is trying to say. A critical response is an analysis of and a commentary on another piece of writing. It generally focuses on technique as well as on content. Critical analyses are also focused on evaluating the validity of the author's evidence and support for the thesis statement.

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