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An engineer is consulting for a construction company that has been receiving bad publicity in the local papers about its waste-handling practices. Knowing that this criticism is based on public

misperceptions and the paper's thirst for controversial stories, the engineer would like to write an article to be printed in the paper's editorial page. What statement best describes the engineer'sethical obligations? The engineer's relationship with the company makes it unethical for him to take any public action on its behalf. The engineer should request that a local representative of the engineering registration board review the data and write the article in order that an impartial point of view be presented. . As long as the article is objective and truthful and presents all relevant information including the engineer’s professional credentials, ethical obligations have been satisfied. 1. The article must be objective and truthful, present all relevant information including the engineer's professional credentials, and disclose all details of the engineer's affiliation with the company.

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