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Anna and Elsa are enjoying a ride on the merry go round platform, although neither one is sitting on a horse. The merry-go-round has a radius of 29.4 meters. Anna, with a mass of 63.3kg is standing 24.4 meters from the center and Elsa with a mass of 70.7 kg is standing on the edge of the platform. As the ride spins, the frictional force between Anna and the merry go round platform is 17.6 N. 1) At what speed is Anna moving as the merry go round is spinning? 2) What is the distance of the circular path traveled by Anna while the merry go round is spinning? 3) How long does it take Anna to travel a complete circle? 4) At what speed is Elsa traveling as the merry go round is spinning? 5) How much friction is between Elsa and the merry go round platform while the merry go round is spinning?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6