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Aspace shuttle showed in the figure below has orbiter with three main engines, two solidrocket boosters and an external tank. The external tank to which the boosters and orbiter areattached

to, supplies fuel to the main engines of the orbiter. Lift-off mass of the space shuttle is2.03 * 10°kg. Each solid rocket booster creates a thrust of 12.5 * 10°N. Each of the threemain engines has thrust of 1.75 * 10°N. Assume gravitational acceleration g10m/s² andconstant acceleration of the space shuttle throughout the flight. Now answer the followingquestions: When the main three engines are running, and the solid rocket boosters are off, will there be liftoff? When all main three engines and two solid rocket boosters are running together, calculate theacceleration at which there will be lift off. When all main three engines and two solid rocket boosters are running together, calculate theacceleration at which there will be lift off. For the Space Shuttle, the solid rocket boosters (SRBS) have enough propellant to providethrust for 2 minutes and 4 second, after that they separates. By this time at what altitude it'llreach and what would be its velocity? After SBR separation, fuel continues to be pumped to the three main engines for another 6minutes thus maintaining the same acceleration. At this point at what altitude the space shuttlewill reach and what would be its velocity?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7