Chapter 9: Partnership with Families p.232
Chapter 10: Assessment and IFSP/IEP Process p.266
Chapter 11: Characteristics of Effective Teachers in Inclusive Programs
Section 3 Wrap-Up Planning for Inclusion p.330
Appendix A,B,C,D,E,F p.586
Assignment 5B: Read Welcome to Holland by Emily Perl Kingsley p.243 Write a paragraph about how
you feel after reading this sharing. It is a personal experience that gives an understanding.
Assignment 5C: Websites to Review: Choose ONE website from Chapters 9-11 listed below and
review. Include information on what is contained in the website, and how it is (or is not) helpful. What
did you find interesting? One paragraph per site minimum. Please label the website reviewed and share
your feedback
about the site.
Fig: 1