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B[N. s/m], k = C [N/m], P =Consider the mechanical system shown below. If m = A [kg], b =and w = E [rad/s]. Check page 11 to find the

values of the constants according to name of student. Answer the following question inside the allocated boxes, each question is assigned 2 grades.D[N], Find the following 1- Draw the free body diagram. 2- Apply Newtons second law, to find the equation of motion. 3- Rearrange the terms in the differential equation to convert it into vibration form. 4- Assuming the initial condition are assigned a value of zero apply the Laplace transform onto the equation of motion. 5- Find the transfer function of the system G(S). 6- Convert the found transfer function from the time domain to the frequency domain by applying s =jw. 7- Knowing that the s =E.j find the transfer function. 8- Calculate the amplitude of the transfer function |G(E.j)|. 9- Calculate the transfer function phase LG(E.j) 10- Find the steady-state output x(t).

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8

Fig: 9

Fig: 10

Fig: 11

Fig: 12