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Breakeven Point Analysis: SpaceX This portion of the assignment will utilize the following worksheets within the module assignment workbook. Task 5_BEP SpaceX Task 5 The following are instructions for creating breakeven

point analysis models in Excel This section is practice for creating breakeven point (BEP) analysis models. 1. Open the assignment Excel workbook to the worksheet "Task 5_BEP Spacex" 2. Read the "Instructions." The instructions provide you an overview of the components required in the task. 3. Review the Problem Statement and Table provided in the "Variables" section. 4. Complete the following steps Model formulation steps in the "Model" section. Model Formulation Steps 5. Data Table 6. Results Table 7. Graphing the BEP Cost-Volume Analysis Result Statements 8. Answer the question(s) in this section. a. Answers should be typed into the respective green highlighted boxes. The wrap text and increasing the row height can be used to ensure the entire answer is displayed. 9. Task 5 is complete.

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