management that influences the management style and decisions of today's managers in the workplace. INSTRUCTIONS: Use the following outline as a guide in developing your term paper For this term project, you will be required to Compare and Contrast the various Management Theory that guides the management style of today's firms. ● Your Term Project title: Comparing and Contrasting the Theories of Management. The length of the paper should be a minimum of 6 pages. Excluding table of contents and reference page. The project should be in APA format single spaced documents requested. A power point presentation of your paper maybe be required. (Please confirm from your professor). STEP ONE: Write on each of the different management theories that exist (INTRODUCTION) The very first step in this process is to highlight the different contributors to management and their theories. Here are some questions I would like for you to keep in mind as you complete this step: How many management theories exist? Who and what is the background of the various management theorist? What are their contributions to management. STEP TWO: Analyze the various management theories in step one. How are the management theories identified in step one different from one another. (DISCUSSION) Now that you have written about the different theories and contributors to the field of management, you are expected to critically analyze the theories by answering the following questions: ● How are the management theories identified in step one different or like one another? Choose two favorite theorist and their contribution to management that you align with and why? Which theory of management is best suited in today's modern business culture and why? STEP THREE: write a summary of the research you have undertaken, highlighting what you have learned from this project and how this has shaped your understanding of management. (CONCLUSION) RUBRICS (HOW YOUR TERM-PROJECT WILL BE GRADED) REQUIRED SKILL Background of Study: Introduction Discussion & Conclusion Subject Knowledge Supporting Material Conclusions Advanced (30-50points) Meets All Requirements Meets All Requirements & More The project reveals advance knowledge and application of the course content All relevant information was obtained, and information sources were found valid and reliable The project was well organized and clearly written. Sentences and grammar were free from errors. Proficient (10-30 points) Missing Requirements. No Requirements Met Basic (0-10 Points) Missing Requirements. No Requirements Met The project demonstrates limited understanding and application of the course content Enough information was obtained, and most sources were valid and reliable The project was well organized and clearly written for most part. In some sections the underlying problem was properly defined and easy to follow. Sentences and grammar were free from errors. The project lacks no understanding and application of the course content Insufficient information was obtained, and sources lack validity and reliability The project was poorly organized and clearly written for most part. In some sections the underlying problem was not properly defined and easy to follow. Sentences and grammar were free from errors for some parts./nDELIVERABLES: 1) We need to write 1200 words, double spaced, APA. 2) Topic is mentioned in the assignment file. 3) Follow all the instructions mentioned in the assignment file.
Fig: 1