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4. Study Deep Foundations videos #8 and #9 and take notes on your Reader. Then, solve the following problem.Consider a drilled, rough concrete pile with diameter B = 1m and

length D = 10m embedded in a site underlain by a 5mthick layer of sand with fiction angle = 41 degrees and Ko = 0.5 that lies over an 8m thick layer of clay with fiction angle =36 degrees, Ko = 0.38, and Su = 70 kPa. Draw the profile with the pile. Remember that placing the water table at the ground surface is the mostconservative option for foundation design and analysis. Determine the short term side friction resistance for the segment of the pile that rests in the sand layer. c. Determine the long term side friction resistance for the segment of the pile that rests in the clay layer.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4