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Calculate the value of P[N] and the coordinates xp [m] and zp [m] of the line of action of the hydrostatic pressure of the sea water on the part of

the shell plating of a ship with breadth B[m],submerged to a depth T[m], floating in water with a specific weight of Yw[N/m³], between two adjacent frames at a distance of a[m] and including the hull plating along half of the frame perimeter (figure). Take for calculations a=1,6+0,05 \cdot N r[m]= R=1+0,1 \cdot N r[m]= B=8+0,3 \cdot N r[m]= T=2+0,4 \cdot N r[m]= \gamma_{w}=10000\left[N / m^{3}\right] P= z_{D}=\quad[m] x_{D}=\quad[m]

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8

Fig: 9

Fig: 10