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Chapter 7 Questions (separate your response to each question into its own paragraph): 1) Discuss how our thinking impacts others behaviors, and how others thinking may influence our thinking (2 points).

2) Explain one factor that plays a role in person perception (3 points). 3) Choose one of the classic social psychology experiments (Milgram, Asch, Robber's Cave, Jane Elliot, bystander effect, Stanford Prison experiment). Provide an example of how the results of the experiment relates to understanding a behavior you have observed or learned about (e.g., if you are discussing the Stanford Prison experiment, you might relate it to a situation you've observed in the media or witnessed where the power of the situation played a role in people's behavior) (3 points). *Do not explain the experiment only - describe an example that you have seen/heard of that can be explained by the experiment's results.

Fig: 1