transformer phase shifts. Draw a per-phase equivalent circuit of the system showing all impedances in per unit. G₁ T₁ uw (50 + j200) Ω (25+j100) 92 (25+j100) 92 Load T₂ m л ши G₂) FIGURE 3.42 Oneline diagram for Problem 3.49/n3.49 Consider the single-line diagram of a power system shown in Figure 3.42 with equipment ratings given: Generator G₁: Generator G₂: Three-phase A-Y transformer T₁: Three-phase Y-A transformer T₂: Load: 50 MVA, 13.2 kV, x = 0.15 p.u. 20 MVA, 13.8 kV, x = 0.15 p.u. 80MVA,13.2A/165YkV, X=0.1p.u. 40MVA,165Y/13.8AkV,X=0.1p.u. 40 MVA, 0.8 PF lagging, operat- ing at 150 kV
Fig: 1
Fig: 2