to read the video text). Report-for-Delta-Conveyance-Project Answer the following questions for Part A: 1. What is the effect of climate change on California Water Supply? Address issues with snowpack and river flow (runoff), storm intensity, droughts, etc. 2. Our snowpack is like a big reservoir; besides it does not cost anything. It stores water in the form of snow and releases it very slowly when it melts. The video states that our water supply and dams and reservoirs were designed on the basis of seasons past. In light of what you saw on the video, how will climate change impact our existing reservoirs which are 60 to 75 years old and older? 3. What does the video recommend we do to mitigate some the impacts of climate change? Part B The Certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) can be found at the following website: https://www.deltaconveyance act/final-eir/final-eir-document Take a look at "Decision Documents", "Volume 1" and "Volume 2"; the Decision Documents summarize the EIR and provide and document the certification; Volume 1 provides the supporting data and addesses items required by law for all projects (just about every project) covered by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the federal National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA); Volume 3 addresses all of the comments from the public and state and federal agencies. The law requires that all comments be addressed. 1. In volume 1, what impression did you get of the extent of the work? 2. Open one of the chapters and skim through it. What is your impression of the amount of work and level of detail? 3. Take a look at the list of preparrers. What do you notice about the education of the preparers? Would you say that it takes a multi-discipline team to complete an EIR?
Fig: 1