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(15) A water is to be softened for an industrial water supply. The Ca2 content is 200 mg/l, and the Mg*? content is 40 mg/l. The allowable breakthrough, Ca is

4% Co, where Co is the hardness of the untreated water. A pilot column 12.2 cm in diameter and containing 91.4 cm of resin has been operated at a flow rate of 2.23 L/hr to obtain breakthrough data. The following through put volumes in gallons at the respective C/Co values (Where Ce is the effluent hardness) were obtained: 2347,0.03; 2907, 0.07; 3104, 0.16;3255, 0.24; 3388, 0.36; 3490, 0.47; 3558, 0.52;3709, 0.66; 3815, 0.74; 4035, 0.87; and 4618, 0.99. The resin has a specific weight of 705kg/m, and the design flow rate is 675 m/d. a. The exchange column volume and pounds of resin. b. The rate at which the resins areexpended per hour. c. The design column life in hours and days d. The diameter and height if the resin height is about twice the diameter.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5