
Deaths in a hospital occur randomly at an average rate of E (where E is the sum of all your AUM student ID numbers / 2) deaths per day. Let

X denote the number of deaths per day in this hospital. a. What is the probability of observing 3 deaths in a day at the hospital? (Write the Minitab steps and output) b. What about the probability of observing more or equal than 2 deaths in a day at the hospital? (Write the Minitab steps and output) c. What is the probability of observing less or equal than 4 deaths in two days at the hospital?(Write the Minitab steps and output) d. What is the probability of observing 9 deaths in three days at the hospital? (Write the Minitab steps and output)

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6