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Your assignment should address the following 6 points:

Research Question: What is the main hypothesis being tested in this

article? What past research motivates this examination?

Methods (Study 1): How did the authors test their research question? Who

were their participants? What were their key variables (IV, DV)? How did

they operationally define these key variables?

Key Findings: What did the authors find regarding their key

hypothesis/hypotheses? Were these findings consistent with their pre-


Course Relevance: How do the major findings of this article map onto one

of our two course themes? Be sure to draw a clear connection.

Replicability: Briefly name at least two strategies used by the author

team to strengthen the claims of the current paper and increase


Question for the Author: If you had the opportunity to speak with the

authors of this article, what would you want to ask? For example, are you

curious about what got them interested in this line of research? Do you

wonder what implications this research has for our everyday lives? Please

pose one question you would like to ask the authors.

Fig: 1