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ECE 175: Homework Assignment 6 Submission Instructions: Submit only .c file on zyBooks section 14.16 Write comments in your programs. 3 points deduction for each program with no comment. For each

program that you turn in, at least the following information should be included at the top of the C file: - Author: - Date created: - Brief description of the program: - input(s): - output(s): -brief description or relationship between inputs and outputs Problem 2 (35 points): IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) IMEI is a unique number of 15 digits given to every mobile phone. resource: Mobile Equipment Identity A method to check if the device is really made by the official manufacturer is to compare the IMEI's last digit, called Luhn digit, with a check digit. If the Luhn digit is equal to the check digit, the device is most probably authentic. Otherwise, it is not authentic for sure. The check digit is calculated as follows: 1) First, we calculate the SUM of the first IMEI's 14 digits by adding a) the digits in the odd positions (even-indexed in C array) b) the double of the digits in the even positions. If the double of the digit is a two-digit

Fig: 1