1 SUM of Digits when cell Contains all Numbers
2. SUM of Digits when cell Contains Numbers and non Numbers both
3. A List is Unique or Not (Whether it has duplicates)
4. Count No. of Unique Values
5. Count No. of Unique Values Conditionally
6. Add Month to ot Substract Month from a Given Date
7. Add Year to or Subtract Year from a Given Date
8. Convert a Number to a Month Name
9. Converting Date to a Calendar Quarter
10. Converting Date to a Indian Financial Year Quarter
11. Calculate Age from Given Birthday
12. Number to Date Format Conversion
13. Number to Time Format Conversion
14. Count Cells Starting (or Ending) with a particular String
15. Count No. of Cells Having Numbers Only
16. Count No. of Cells which are containing only Characters
17. Number of Characters in a String without considering blanks
18. Number of times a character appears in a string
19. Count Non Numbers in a String
20. Count Numbers in a String