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Experiment Title: Forced Convection over Flat Plate 1 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Item Title Page Abstract Table of

Contents Introduction Theory Experimental Grading Rubric Results and Discussion Conclusions and Recommendations References Appendices Appendix A: Raw data Appendix B: Nomenclature Appendix C: Sample calculation Appendix D: Reference graphs and tables Appendix E: Other relevant information Marks 2.5 5 2.5 5 5 5 15 10 10 20 5 5 325 100 Notes 200 words Max 2 pages Procedure documentation (Max 1 page) Lab safety practice (Individual) Skillful operation (Individual) Peer Review* (Individual) Gantt Chart Team Goals Max 3 Pages + Figures/Tables 200 words APA style Report Guidelines TITLE PAGE Add the following details: Logo, Title in capital letters, institution and department, student name, student ID, group number, group members, supervisor's name, and date. Adequate spacing. ABSTRACT (200 words) A brief overview on what the report contains. It needs to include what the experiment is some brief introduction to the type of device used. The purpose of experiment, major variables covered, and the outcome of the experiment. Be sure to address the parameter that was calculated/desired with a quick conclusion of what was learned during this experiment. TABLE OF CONTENTS List all the main sections: section number (if numbering is used), major heading, and page numbers. See Example below. TITLE PAGE Table of Contents ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION. REFERNECES. APPENDICES. i ii iii 1 2 .3 .6 .7 .8 INTRODUCTION (1 page) a. Introduction provides a general background about the scope of the Paper and what the journal paper is expected from the presented work. b. At the end of the introduction, state your Objectives clearly: What is done, Outline the method or approach of investigation, and indicate the expected outcomes and their importance. Relate it to the practical application from what you have studied from the theory and practical class. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE (1 page) a. Briefly explain the materials and methodology executed for the experimental analysis of the journal. b. Be brief and evaluate the quality and quantity based on the readers view. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (3 pages) a. In this section present your findings in the simplest way possible including: Extract useful information from collected raw data, present the results in valuable way utilizing tables or figures, evaluate influence of variables, relate outcomes to fundamental concepts, and provide discussion of results. b. Use the raw data collected during the lab session (or provided by the instructor). c. Student will be evaluated on the understanding of the concept, practical application of the case study and report structure. d. Discuss the results and explain their significance, identify important issues, suggest explanations for your findings, and outline any problems encountered. e. Explain if the results are consistent with the theoretical background while comparing your results with the similar works in references (e.g., books and lab manuals.) f. This section must include tables and figures that have been done in excel, while discussing the values obtained. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION (200 words) a. The Conclusions section collects together the main points presented in the report relative to the objectives of the experiment. b. It should be expressed clearly and should not contain any new information, discussion of results, or conclusions of anything that had not been discussed. c. Once conclusions are made, make some recommendations to the utility of the conclusions. d. In Recommendations, explain how useful the methodology and the results are, mention restrictions or limits pertaining to the use of the results, and recommend ways to improve future works. e. Conclusions and recommendations may be in the form of descriptive paragraphs or running lists. REFERNECES a. Use APA style referencing to include in text citation and work cited page. b. Minimum 5 references. c. Do not copy paste information that is considered plagiarism. Provide reference for any external information you use in your report. Example for APA Style: In Text Citation: Generally, in text citations include the authors name(s) and year of publication (Mitchell et al, 2017). Work Cited: Book: Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A guide to citation. London, England: My Publisher Journal: Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Citation: Why is it so important. Mendeley Journal, 67(2), 81-95 PART 1: Results Analysis and Discussion: Fill the tables below with values from the experiment and find the missing values. Include them in your report. Trial # Velocity 1 2 Ua (m/s) 3 Table 1. Air velocities and temperatures for each trial. Trial 1 Trial 2 T1 T2 T3 T3-T1 T1 T2 T3 T3-T1 T1 T2 T3 T3-T1 (C°) (C°) (Cº) (C°) (C°) (C°) (C°) (C) (C°) (C°) (C°) (Cº) Table 2. Parameters obtained using experimental data. Tm k Cp μl Pr P NOTE: T was measured in the lab Table 3. Voltages, currents, heater powers and rates for each trial. Trial 2 Trial 1 V (V) I(A) Heater power, we (W) Rate of convection, q (W) Re 1. Plot temperature versus air velocity for all three trials. 2. Plot temperature versus voltage. Trial 3 3. Plot Reynolds number versus velocity for all three trials. 4. Plot heater power versus voltage. Nu Trial 3 In the results and discussion part of the report, ensure to do the following (i.e. in addition to what is mentioned in the guidelines): h 5. Discuss the results from the experiment and compare the heater power calculated with the rate of convection for each trial including suitable justifications. 6. Discuss the importance of minimizing energy loss to the surroundings, suggesting suitable materials for this purpose./n1 (A) We(W) 5 6 7.68 2 Ua (m/s) T₁ T₂ T3 T3-51 0.5 1 1.5 Тз-ті кка как 26.627.9 42.3 29.830.244.7 30.4 309 46.6 31.1 32.150.2 3-71 7 2.28 K₁ Tz 13 13-1₁ 32 332 57 32.3 33.1527 32.733.8 60.4 31.5 32.5 54.5 32 33 62

Fig: 1