ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY DIVISION Groundwater Depth: While Drilling: At Completion: After Drilling: Notes: Elevation (ft) Depth (ft) Graphic Log -12895 5- Permafrost depth determined by identifying frozen water in soil Weather: samples. These depths represent a maximum depth to permafrost. Sample recovery lengths unavailable. -12890 10- 12885 15- -12880 20- Mount Evans Highway Summit County, CO 12875 25 14 ft/ Elev 12886 ft MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ASPHALT. 12899.58 ft | Brown aggregate base. 1 1 12899.08 ft Boulder at 14 feet Decomposed granite in sample at 15 feet Permafrost at 17 feet El. 12875 ft BORING LOG BH20-02 Sheet: 1 of 1 0.92 ft Silty SAND with gravel (SM), brown, medium dense to dense. Surface Elevation: Station and Offset: Date Started: Driller/Company: Hammer Type: Logger/Company: Bottom of borehole at 25 ft. 0.42 ft 25 ft Drilling Method Type ODEX 9/17/20 No. Authentic Drilling 140 lbs Automatic R. Norick/FHWA CFLHD 42F 01 02 03 04 12900 ft 29+54 5 ft Rt. 05 06 SAMPLE Field Blow Count (Recovery) 12-20 8-9 10-19 Date Completed: Drill: 13-16 21-29 50 Test Results Fines = 14% Fines = 13% Air compressor broke down at 0900. Drilling resumed at 1300. Fines = 20% Fines = 9% 9/17/20 CME-75 N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PL WC LL ㅏ 20 40 60 80 FHWA BORING LOG - FHWA_DATATEMPLATE.GDT - 8/2/23 12:00 - N:\CO\SH5(1)\GEOTECH\3_DATA\DRILLING\CO FLAP SH5(1) BORING LOGS (NORICK).GPJ of STHENT U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY DIVISION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Project Name: Project Location: Groundwater Depth: While Drilling: At Completion: After Drilling: Elevation (ft) Depth (ft) Graphic Log -12860 5- Notes: No permafrost identified during drilling. -12855 10- 12850 15- -12845 20- -12840 25- Mount Evans Highway Summit County, CO 12835 30 18 ft / Elev 12847 ft 17.85 ft/ Elev 12847.15 ft MATERIAL DESCRIPTION El. 12835 ft BORING LOG BH20-04 Sheet: 1 of 1 Silty SAND with gravel, tan, medium dense to very dense. Boulder/cobble encountered at 14, 17, and 20 feet. Bottom of borehole at 30 ft. Surface Elevation: Station and Offset: Date Started: Driller/Company: Hammer Type: Logger/Company: 30 ft Drilling Method Type ODEX 12865 ft 42+66 20 ft Lt. 9/18/20 Authentic Drilling 140 lbs Automatic R. Norick/FHWA CFLHD No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 01 SAMPLE Field Blow Count (Recovery) 5-6-6 7-7-6 6-7-26 50/4" 50/3" Date Completed: Drill: 38-50/3" 50/3" Test Results Fines = 21% 9/18/20 CME-75 N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PL WC LL ㅏ 20 40 60 80 >> >> >> FHWA BORING LOG - FHWA_DATATEMPLATE.GDT- 8/2/23 12:00 - N:\COISH5(1)\GEOTECH\3_DATA\DRILLINGICO FLAP SH5(1) BORING LOGS (NORICK).GPJ of STHENT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Project Name: Project Location: Groundwater Depth: While Drilling: Notes: At Completion: After Drilling: Elevation (ft) Permafrost depth determined by identifying frozen water in soil samples. These depths represent a maximum depth to permafrost. Sample recovery lengths unavailable. -12845 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY DIVISION Mount Evans Highway Summit County, CO -12840 -12835 -12830 -12825 Depth (ft) Graphic Log 5- 10- 15- 20- 25 11 ft/ Elev 12835 ft MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ASPHALT. 12845.25 ft Brown aggregate base. I El. 12845 ft BORING LOG BH20-05 Sheet: 1 of 1 Surface Elevation: Station and Offset: Date Started: Driller/Company: Hammer Type: Logger/Company: El. 12821 ft Permafrost at 25 feet ELA 1 ft j Well graded SAND with silt and gravel (SW-SM), medium dense, brown, moist. Boulder at 5 feet Bottom of borehole at 25 ft. 0.75 ft El. 12838.5 ft 7.5 ft Silty SAND (SM), medium dense, tan, moist to wet. El. 17.5 ft 12828.5 ft Clayey SAND with gravel (SC-SM), medium dense, tan, wet. 25 ft Drilling Method Type ODEX 9/18/20 No. Authentic Drilling 140 lbs Automatic R. Norick/FHWA CFLHD 01 02 03 04 12846 ft 47+07 5 ft Lt. 05 06 SAMPLE Field Blow Count (Recovery) 7-11-11 30-22-9 Date Completed: Drill: 3-4-4 5-9-5 4-9-4 Test Results Fines = 8% Fines = 27% 18-29-34 Fines = 24% 9/18/20 CME-75 N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PL WC LL ㅏ 20 40 60 80 I FHWA BORING LOG - FHWA_DATATEMPLATE.GDT - 8/2/23 12:00 - N:\CO\SH5(1)\GEOTECH\3_DATA\DRILLING\CO FLAP SH5(1) BORING LOGS (NORICK).GPJ of STHENT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Project Name: Project Location: Groundwater Depth: While Drilling: Notes: At Completion: After Drilling: Elevation (ft) Permafrost depth determined by identifying frozen water in soil samples. These depths represent a maximum depth to permafrost. Sample recovery lengths unavailable. -12835 -12830 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY DIVISION Mount Evans Highway Summit County, CO -12825 -12820 12815 -12810 Depth (ft) Graphic Log 5- 10- 15- 20- 25- 30 6 ft/ Elev 12830 ft MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ASPHALT. 12835.17 ft Brown aggregate base. El. 12830 ft Silty SAND (SM), gray, wet, dense to very dense, increased gravel content with depth. Permafrost at 25 feet El. 12806 ft 12834.83 ft Silty SAND with gravel (SM), medium dense, brown, moist. Surface Elevation: Station and Offset: Date Started: Driller/Company: Hammer Type: Logger/Company: Bottom of borehole at 30 ft. BORING LOG BH20-06 Sheet: 1 of 1 EL 0.83 ft El. 1.17 ft I 6 ft 30 ft Drilling Method Type ODEX 9/18/20 No. Authentic Drilling 140 lbs Automatic R. Norick/FHWA CFLHD 01 02 03 12836 ft 50+34 5 ft Rt. 06 07 SAMPLE Field Blow Count (Recovery) 16-50-20 9-7-7 04 21-48-20 3-3-3 05 10-15-15 Date Completed: Drill: 26-50/4" 32-50/5" Test Results Fines = 27% Fines = 16% 9/18/20 CME-75 N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PL WC LL ㅏ 20 40 60 80 H >> >> FHWA BORING LOG - FHWA_DATATEMPLATE.GDT- 8/2/23 12:00 - N:\COISH5(1)\GEOTECH\3_DATA\DRILLINGICO FLAP SH5(1) BORING LOGS (NORICK).GPJ of STHENT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Project Name: Project Location: Groundwater Depth: While Drilling: Elevation (ft) At Completion: After Drilling: -12835 Notes: Large boulders on embankment slopes. Permafrost depth determined by identifying frozen water in soil samples. These depths represent a maximum depth to permafrost. Sample recovery lengths unavailable. -12830 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY DIVISION -12825 -12820 -12815 -12810 Depth (ft) Graphic Log 10- 15- 20- Mount Evans Highway Summit County, CO 25- 5 ft/ Elev 12831 ft MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ASPHALT. El. 12835.5 ft | Brown aggregate base. 1 12835.08 ft Silty SAND with gravel (SM), loose, brown, moist. El. 12812 ft Silty SAND (SM), medium dense, gray, wet. Permafrost at 24 feet BORING LOG BH20-07 Sheet: 1 of 1 Surface Elevation: Station and Offset: Date Started: Driller/Company: Hammer Type: Logger/Company: Boulder/cobble at 29 feet El. 12806 ft El. 12831 ft 5 ft Clayey SAND with gravel (SC-SM), wet, loose to medium dense. Boulder encountered from approximately 6 to 7.5 feet Bottom of borehole at 30 ft. 0.5 ft 0.92 ft j El. 12822 ft 14 ft Low to high plasticity CLAY (CL-CH), stiff to very stiff, gray, wet. 24 ft 30 ft Drilling Method Type ODEX 9/18/20 No. Authentic Drilling 140 lbs Automatic R. Norick/FHWA CFLHD 01 02 03 04 01 12836 ft 54+94 5 ft Lt. 02 03 SAMPLE Field Blow Count (Recovery) 4-3-3 18-11-9 3-3-3 7-8-8 Date Completed: Drill: 5-9 10-9 14-15 Test Results Fines = 14% Fines = 26% Fines = 45% 9/18/20 CME-75 N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PL WC LL ㅏ 20 40 60 80 H I