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FINANCES AND BUDGETS - respond to these questions with detailed policies:

1. Who is in charge of the budget for your athletic department?

2. Who has access to the budget and money for the athletic department?

3. Who is responsible for developing the individual team budgets?

4. When must the individual budgets for teams be submitted?

5. How many days in advance must be given before a request for a check can be processed for a coach or company?

6. How quickly must a coach turn in all receipts and extra money once they return home from a trip?

7. Will the coach have to turn in receipts outlining his/her expenses or will it be acceptable for student-athletes to sign a sheet saying

that they received a set amount of money for a meal?

8. Who secures contracts for non-conference games?

9. What level (how much) of expense requires the athletic director's approval beforehand?

10. How is money collected from ticket sales handled following a game? Explain the process for controlling the money.

You must properly cito least two acti

roal existing) athletic department DR.D Manuals that you read and research I for info stion to

Fig: 1