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Follow the instructions of each sub-task, and submit a link to the web page containing

your solution. Before you start, make sure you have a p5js and

account first so that you can save your work. Remember to duplicate the template code

for a fresh new submission url:

1. Modify the function is PointInCircle() so that it returns true if the point is in the

circle | linkLinks to an external site.


Change the location of one sphere in the scene, so that it blocks the entire

initial scene view | linkLinks to an external site.

Submit you solution as text entry with:

UCID student name

1) link to solution with url1

2) link to solution with url2

and so on...


That url1, url2, should all be different urls. That means you will need to

duplicate the original code for each task

• This assignment follows all class polices as described in the policy, e.g. late

submission penalty and such.

Fig: 1