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For EVERY Problem make certain to do the following (REQUIRED) 1) Sketch and Label the physical problem. 2) List ALL the Given information. 3) Clearly state your Assumptions 4) If required,

clearly give your Boundary Conditions 5) Show all work, including UNITS. 1) (25pts) Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction vs Convection a) What is the primary fundamental difference between conduction and convection. b) Describe the physical basis for the convective heat transfer coefficient (h) and provide a simple relationship that explains the difference in h for different fluids. c) What is the difference between forced and free convection (i.e., driving forces). d) In separate cases, air or water at 20°C are flowing over the surface of a heated flat aluminum (high k) plate at the same Reynolds number (laminar flow regime). In which case would you expect to have the higher convective heat transfer coefficient, and by what factor (calculate)? Define Re over a flat plate. Sketch the problem and explain your answer.

Fig: 1