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FRAMEWORK DESIGN_Hybrid: - Acceptance Criteria 1. Use the url - 2. Create MAVEN Project. 3. Execution of all Test Cases should be in Chrome Browser 4. Login, Register and Search

Product needs to be validated. 5. Add a valid product and complete the checkout 6. TestNG should be used extensively. 7. Listeners to be implemented. 8. Extent Reports to be used. 9. Push the code to GitHub./nFRAMEWORK DESIGN_BDD_Cucumber: - Acceptance Criteria 1. Use the url - 2. Create MAVEN Project. 3. Add all maven dependencies related to Cucumber 4. Prepare necessary feature files related to Login, Register, Search Product, AddToCart, Logout scenarios. 5. Execution of all Test Scenarios should be in Chrome Browser 6.Junit/TestNG either can be used in Runner files. 7. Listeners to be implemented./n8. Extent Reports to be used. 9. Push the code to GitHub. 10. 11. Execute the code in cmd terminal. Setup Jenkins and execute code in JENKINS.