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How many animals on Animal Farm get to retire when they reach old age?

O zero

O one

O two

O twenty

How do the animals use the windmill?

O to generate electricity

O to mill corn

O as a museum to honor Napoleon

O as a jail for dissidents

What does Squealer do with the sheep?

O He sheers them all to make winter clothing for the pigs

O He slaughters several of them to make mutton chops

O He teaches them a new song

O He poisons several of them and blames it on Snowball

What inspires Clover to produce "terrified neighing"?

O She sees Squealer walking on two legs

O She notices how fat Squealer has become

O She sees Napoleon eating bacon

O She spots Boxer's footprint in the field and is overwhelmed with memories of her


After Squealer works with them, the sheeps' cry of "Four legs good, two

legs bad!" has changed. What is their new mantra?

O "Four legs good, two legs better!"

O "Pigs are Gods!"

O "Two legs good, four legs bad!"

O "Napoleon is watching!"

When Benjamin and Clover visit the barn wall to read the Seven

Commandments, they notice a dramatic change. How many

commandments are there now?

O One

O Four

O Ten

O None

What do the pigs begin to carry in their trotters?

O swords

O guns

O whips

O bullhorns

What happens to Mr. Jones's clothes?

O The pigs wear them

O The pigs burn them

O The pigs turn them into patriotic flags

O The pigs turn them into cots for them to nap in

What does Mr. Pilkington say about Animal Farm?

O He is surprised by how much food the animals have on the farm

O He is amazed that so many pigs and dogs are able to live in luxury without working

O The lower animals on Animal Farm do more work and receive less food than any

animals in the country

O He is shocked by the spirit of license and indiscipline on the farm

What happens to old Major's skull, which the animals once marched past

every Sunday morning?

O Napoleon moved it to his bed stand

O Napoleon wears it as a mask when he delivers speeches

O it disappeared

O the pigs buried it

What does the Animal farm flag look like at the end of the novel?

O a picture of a pig riding a horse

O a plain green flag

O a flag donning Napoleon's face

O a picture of a windmill

To what does Napoleon change the name of the farm? *

O The United Socialist State of Animals

O Manor Farm

O The Farm

O Napoleon Farm

As the animals watch the humans and pigs quarrel over a card game, what

do they notice about their faces?

O It is impossible to tell the pigs and men apart

O They notice expressions of pure evil on their faces

O Both the pigs and humans have bad poker faces

O They are amazed at how many warts both the pigs and men have on their faces